Emotional Impacts on Online Purchasing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Conference: The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2022)
Title: Emotional Impacts on Online Purchasing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stream: Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Cise Mis, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus


During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all habits changed; people started to work remotely, pupils started to have online classes, and so on. In this period, a vast number of people have become digitized. So, with the increasing level of digitalization, the vast majority of people have started to prefer web-based shopping rather than in-store shopping. In line with varied emotions during the pandemic, shopping habits may have also been affected. This study aimed to investigate the impact of emotions on people’s buying behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Cyprus. Precisely, emotions affect the consumer and decision-making process. In this context, positive feelings about consumption led to re-buying and positive attitudes. During the purchasing, on the online shopping, emotional experiences are identified as a significant factor for consumers. Thus, consumer emotions were used to create an impact on the consumer and to explain experiences of consumption. The significance of the study is that studies based on emotion in web-based shopping by using further purchasing intentions on the customer are still lacking in the literature. With the changing emotions and consumer habits during the pandemic, it is important to study the effects of emotions on online buying behavior. An online survey was utilized as a data collection method. A total of 203 participants aged between 18 to 55 participated in the study. Results were performed in the SPSS. Findings reveal that positive emotions affect consumers’ attitudes and future online purchasing intentions in a positive way.

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