Title: Fostering Academia-industry Collaboration: Insights on the Demola Portugal Initiative by IPV Teachers Acting as Trainees and Facilitators
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Fátima Susana Amante, School of Technology and Management/Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
Rosina Fernandes, Higher School of Education/Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
Academia-industry collaboration has been around for some time, through internships and joint projects, but, in recent years, there has been a shift in both the education and workforce settings to work closely together, coordinating initiatives across all sectors, in an attempt to mutually drive innovation, provide opportunities to go from concept to action, encourage entrepreneurship and leadership among youth, improve ICT use and other equally important hard and soft skills aiming to bridge the existing gap between the teaching-learning arena and the business world. Aware that Higher Education Institutions, the government and industry should be devoted to forging partnerships considered key to the development of research, leading to quality, more business, and, ultimately, the economic and social wellbeing of society, a Consortium of 13 Portuguese Polytechnic Institutions engaged in an innovative pedagogical training programme involving different stakeholders. In our study, we will focus on the needs, expectations, and experiences of the IPV teaching staff that participated in the “Learning based on co-creation processes” (POCH-04-5267-FSE-000818), a teacher training course, within the Demola Portugal Initiative, that started in 2021 and will finish after 6 editions, in 2023. Through the analysis of questionnaires and reports of participants in the first two editions (Jan-July 2021 & Sept 2021-Feb 2022), we intend to answer: i) which facilitation skills can be meaningfully used by the teachers participating in the (Demola) Pedagogical Innovation Training course at IPV; ii) which tools and platforms can enhance the students’ learning, and collaboration among different team members, company representatives and teacher/facilitators?
Virtual Presentation
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