Title: Strategies and Activities to Promote Active Engagement in the Classroom
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Jill Tussey, Buena Vista University, United States
Leslie Haas, Xavier University of Louisiana, United States
Educators understand the importance of active engagement in the classroom setting to promote higher order thinking. According to Hurst (2021), "research shows that students whose teachers spend too much time talking are less likely to be engaged during classroom instruction. Luckily, reading instruction can be so much more than lecture, reading practice, memorization, or decoding drills" (para. 1). As school systems are navigating these uncertain times, students may struggle with focus and engagement. The need for active engagement in the classroom setting has never been higher. However, due to the increasing demands on educators, it can be challenging to locate strategies and activities to promote active engagement. In the lens of the literacy classroom, educators can embed discussions, movement, quick writes, quick draws, or 3-2-1 for quick and engaging activities. Participants will gain background information about the importance and benefits of active engagement in their classrooms. In addition, sample activities and strategies will be shared during the presentation. The main focus will be in literacy; however, strategies and activities can be adapted to all areas of instruction and focus. The presenter will provide specific books that can be utilized in the literacy classroom with active engagement activities as well as additional resources for the participants to explore.
Virtual Presentation
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