Title: Fine Arts in a Digital Age
Stream: Arts - Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Alicia Lawrence, Nova Scotia College of Art & Design University, Canada
An artist and scholar, I examine the relationship between digital communications and fine arts presentations in the genres of digital art, visual art, performance art, fine art documentation, and others. I consider different aspects of the arts that are emphasized in online and on-site presentations, with a component of my research focusing on knowledge sharing in the Indigenous arts. To date, as well as exploring websites that support the arts community, I have also visited First Peoples' cultural sites in BC, compared cross-country travel to net-based armchair travel, and have attempted to merge the form of a group art exhibit with a blog by coding a website from source. My secondary research drawing from the University of the Arts London's project, Musically Intelligent Machines Interacting Creatively (MIMIC) promises to generate new insights about how artists and AI connect in an online community. Thus far, in-progress findings indicate that there are benefits and limitations to both online and on-site presentations - with ideal venues for specific art genres and foci, as well as certain mediums best suited to a variety of audience needs. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated digital communication as a sharing medium in order for the arts to remain accessible to audiences, this discussion will contribute to defining and refining the arts communities in the digital environment. The research is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts and First Peoples' Cultural Council.
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