Title: Impact of Professional Learning and Development Activities Participated in by Secondary School Mathematics Teachers Through Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Levels
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Hazel Diaz, Saint Mary's University, Philippines
This study delved into the various learning and development (L&D) activities either provided or partnered by the Department of Education and attended by the secondary school mathematics teachers (SSMTs) of the Schools Division Office of Nueva Vizcaya. It involved 117 teachers, profiled along variables such as the level and number of L&D activities participated in for the last five years (beginning 2015), and the foci and content of the L&D based on the domains of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and Mathematics content standards. The study explored on understanding the SSMTs’ L&D through the Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation with the use of a mixedmethod approach, particularly concurrent-triangulation. Survey questionnaire, interviews and document review were utilized as data gathering procedures. The study revealed that the SSMTs, considering the utility and relevance of the L&D, learned teacher and learnercentered approaches of teaching and technology-aided instruction to teach mathematics content which they were previously weak at. Derived learnings of the SSMTs from the L&D activities contributed to determining improvement of their individual and organizational performances. Also, the attainment of the four levels of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation was the same regardless of the SSMTs participation in the 12 L&D activities in Mathematics
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