Title: Online Marketing Communication of the Elderly Care Business in Thailand
Stream: Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Yossanan kaeokomonman, The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
Jantima Kheokao, School of Communication Arts University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
Tassanee Krirkgulthorn, ฺBoromarajonani College of Nursing, Thailand
Pairote Wilainuch, School of Communication Arts University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
Sopark Panichpapiboon, School of Communication Arts University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
This study aimed to examine the online marketing communication of 45 private elderly care facilities that the Ministry of Public Health licensed to conduct elderly or dependency care business and adhere to the Department of Business Development's service quality requirements. Coding forms were used to collect the data concerning motivation and the marketing communication approach used in the online channels. Statistics used to analyze the data comprised of frequency distribution, percentages.
The findings revealed that the majority of aged care facilities (86.67%) used Facebook as their primary marketing tool, followed by websites (40.00%) and YouTube (35.56%). The type of content often posted on Facebook was information to promote health knowledge/behavior (32.64%), followed by information on quality services, awards, and internal affairs (21.97%) and notification of significant events (20.08%) and the service information content (18.20%). The most common communication styles were photographs depicting events within the service facility (18.20%), text and graphic presentations (14.64%), and video presentations of service facility operations (11.72%). The findings illustrate how an elderly home uses digital media for advertising itself.
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