An Empirical Study of Junior High School Art Teaching to Promote Students’ Deep Learning – An Example of Excellent Traditional Culture in Southern Fujian

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2022)
Title: An Empirical Study of Junior High School Art Teaching to Promote Students’ Deep Learning – An Example of Excellent Traditional Culture in Southern Fujian
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Peiqi Ye, East China Normal University, China


In the context of "double reduction" in China, how to make use of limited class time to enable students to learn more has become a pressing issue for many teachers. Deep learning emphasises the connection and construction of knowledge as well as the transfer of knowledge, which is in line with the current requirements of society for talents. This paper uses a project-based learning model to construct an art teaching design framework that promotes junior high school students' deep learning of Southern Fujian's excellent traditional culture, and develops and implements a unit course with Southern Fujian's excellent traditional culture as the core. Before and after the teaching practice, the author uses a questionnaire to conduct a deep learning effect test to analyse whether students achieve the deep learning objectives. The results revealed that in the cognitive dimension, students basically reached the level of deep understanding of the knowledge of Southern Fujian's excellent traditional culture, and were able to construct old and new knowledge and transfer and apply it; in the behavioural dimension, the development of students' problem-solving skills, critical thinking and other higher-order abilities was promoted in the context-based on Southern Fujian's excellent traditional culture; in the emotional dimension, students' feelings of home and country were further stimulated.

Virtual Poster Presentation

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