Title: The A-B-C of Engaging Students With Feedback to Build Resilient Learners
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Hui Yong Tay, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Resilience was once thought of as a stable personality trait. However, it is now argued that resilience is malleable, subject to environmental factors such as assessment feedback (ahmed Shafi, Hatley, Middleton, Millican & Templeton, 2017). This paper presents a longitudinal study on how learners experienced and were affected by feedback to their written essays. Participants comprised 45 students (aged 14-15) from 5 secondary schools. Qualitative data was collected from examination of their written work, classroom activities as well as student interviews. Bandura’s (2001) model of triadic reciprocity was used as a guiding framework to analyse how the teachers’ feedback practices influenced their students’ self-efficacy and behaviour. The findings fleshed out how students engaged with their teaches’ feedback on various levels: affectively (referring to students’ emotions towards teachers’ comments), behaviourally (seen in their uptake of feedback), and cognitively (in terms of their processing, attention, recall and understanding of feedback). Further analysis revealed two themes of will (as in motivation to take action and volition to persist) and skill (as in strategies and knowledge) to follow up on the feedback. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to strengthening teachers’ feedback practices as a whole and with particular focus on how these practices are important in building resilient learners.
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