Title: The Impact of COVID-19 on Research Methodologies
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Mark Mizuko, University of Minnesota Duluth, United States
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a massive migration from physical to virtual laboratories in which researchers have adapted their research agendas to the opportunities and challenges presented by the pandemic. A primary methodological challenge is the limited ability to observe behavior in research laboratories, particularly the constrained ability to conduct laboratory experiments to observe a wide range of behaviors in face-to-face settings.
The purpose of this poster is to discuss these opportunities and challenges for face-to-face research areas and methodologies, as well as to offer some solutions for eye tracking research methodologies for a virtual laboratory. Researchers have used screen-based eye tracking to better understand human behavior in a variety of applications. The analysis of eye gaze patterns in human-system interactions provides objective measurements and insights into visual attention and attentional allocation, cognitive load, social engagement, and social communication. Potentially, the understanding of eye-tracking can improve implicit bias tendencies, social interactions, and communications. Considering research limitations involving face-to-face, Sticky by Tobii Pro, an online screen-based webcam eye tracking platform was used to observe the respondents’ eye-gaze behaviors and facial areas of interests with 3 types of speakers: speaker with Down syndrome (DS), normal developing speaker and speaker diagnosed as a stutterer. There were significant differences in the subjects’ eye-gaze behaviors when comparing the eyes and facial areas of interests among the subjects.
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