Title: Three Voices: Lived Experiences of Indian School Children in Two Transformative Ecology Programs
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Aneesa Jamal, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Sanitah Yusof, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Naqeeb Sultana, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, India
India, as one of the fastest growing economies, faces an environmental crisis. Education, which is widely regarded as a strategic tool to influence people towards pro-environmental behavior, has failed to engender pro-environmental behavior. Place-based nature programs and arts-based environmental education programs have demonstrated positive results, however there is little research on their combined impact, especially in the Indian context. This qualitative research uses Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis to explain how the place-based, nature learning program fueled literary/ arts-based environmental activism through children's sense of caring, connectedness and co-identity with nature. Results reveal children’s enjoyment, appreciation and burgeoning love for both the place and nature therein. alongside a negative indictment of human behavior. The research emphasizes the importance of designing environmental education programs which provide physical nature experiences, foreground affective learning and provide opportunities for eco-activism through artistic and literary expression.
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