Title: Teaching Undergraduate Research Writing: A Systematic Literature Review
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Dina Amdos, Cordillera Career Development College, Philippines
Kara Panolong, Benguet State University, Philippines
In the Philippines, finishing a thesis is one of the prerequisites before graduating. Due to its significance, the teaching of research writing is a concern among teachers. They need to implement effective strategies and processes for students to write a good research paper. With numerous research articles on teaching research writing, there is a need to highlight the practices of teachers around the world especially on the tertiary level thus this systematic literature review is conducted. This study aimed to determine the research teaching strategies and processes found in 23 published research articles which met the provided inclusion and exclusion criteria. These researches were read and examined using thematic analysis. Results revealed four prominent strategies named as PLAN (Priming, Launching, Advising, Networking), accompanied with four processes termed as AIDE (Activate, Instruct and Incorporate, Delegate, Evaluate). These results express that it is necessary for teachers to prepare students (priming) through stimulating their knowledge and interest (activate). In addition, they need to optimize the research writing course and curriculum (launching) through addressing the research needs of students and using authentic materials in teaching (instruct and incorporate). Further, they need to guide the students’ writing process to writing output (advising) through allowing them to write research papers on their own (delegate). Lastly, teachers need to collaborate with their co-teachers, experts, and even students (networking) through seeking their help in assessing the progress and product of the student researchers (evaluate). These results imply that when teaching research, effective strategies and concrete processes are necessary.
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