A New Look at the Station Rotation Model: Interdisciplinary Integration

Conference: The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022)
Title: A New Look at the Station Rotation Model: Interdisciplinary Integration
Stream: Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Galia Semo, Levinsky college of Education, Israel
Dvora Harpaz, Levinsky college of Education, Israel
Limor Raubach, Levinsky college of Education, Israel


This study addresses two aspects of teaching innovation, which merged into a teaching model that addresses the challenges of teaching and learning in the 21 century. The study followed teaching in the Station Rotation Model, which includes dividing the lesson into three spaces: individual, group, and learning with the teacher. At least one of the learning spaces is e-learning. Teaching and learning in this model allow for differentiation, activism, and student autonomy in learning. In this study, the Station Rotation Model was examined for the first time in the context of teaching multi-text subjects, which were taught in an interdisciplinary approach. The study is qualitative-interpretive, based on in-depth interviews with 14 teacher trainees who specialize in the humanities, and focused on descriptions of the teacher trainees and their explanations for the teaching experience in the Station Rotation Model. An analysis of the findings revealed that the combination of these two aspects of innovation created learning that aroused interest among the students and promoted a deeper and broader understanding of the study topics among the trainees. However, the teacher trainees' observations regarding the innovative teaching model were not entirely favourable. They noted the model’s advantages and disadvantages and suggested ways of dealing with the difficulties that were revealed. These difficulties were related to interdisciplinary integration, adapting the learning model to different types of students, and adapting instruction to the time frame and the learning space.

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