The Use of the Phenomenological Approach for the Study of the Determinants of the Scientific Production of Teacher-researchers

Conference: The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022)
Title: The Use of the Phenomenological Approach for the Study of the Determinants of the Scientific Production of Teacher-researchers
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Bouchra Jafari, Mohammed V University, Morocco
Abdellah Yousfi, University Mohammed V, Morocco
Yahia El ouazzani, University Mohammed V, Morocco


It is never easy to approach a theme such as the relationship between the scientific production of teacher-researchers and their individual and professional characteristics due to the complex links between the different variables. The objective was clearly to find an econometric method that would not distort or harm the final results, hence the use of the phenomenological approach which enabled us to analyze from every angle the impact of individual characteristics and teacher-researchers on the volume of their scientific production. In fact, the phenomenological approach has definitely made us aware of the importance of descriptive analysis that prevents the researcher from drowning in econometric models that do not bring much to his study or in most cases, they lead him to hasty conclusions that assume that certain variables are diametrically opposed or on the contrary they are correlated, whereas logic says the opposite. Thanks to the phenomenological approach, we were able to discover the mediating variable among the explanatory variables. Consequently, what we also appreciated in the phenomenological descriptive analysis, that it also showed us that it is possible to make hypotheses about some determinants of the scientific production of the teachers-researchers of the FSJES - Souissi. These hypotheses will be tested by a structural equation model estimated on data collected from 136 teacher-researchers of the FSJES-Souissi.

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