Title: Peer Review in L2 Academic Writing: An Exploratory Study
Stream: Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Matthew Armstrong, Kyushu University, Japan
The purpose of peer review in academic writing contexts is to help writers to determine which sections of his or her paper are well written and which parts need improving. Teachers can either provide prescriptive feedback (direct error correction) or guided developmental feedback (inquiry-based learning process) to provide the best guidance. For teachers, peer review is beneficial in the sense that it helps students to clarify their own ideas as they present them to their classmates, develop a critical eye when reading their classmates’ writing, and nurture reflective thinking. Which type of feedback students preferred or felt was most beneficial to the writing process was the question which guided this study. Students and the teacher provided feedback on two writing assignments mid-semester and at the end of the semester via Google Docs. Students collaborated in small groups. All comments and responses to feedback were written on the Google Doc so the teacher could monitor the quality of feedback. A survey was administered to students after each writing assignments. Data findings identified which style of feedback, prescriptive or developmental, students preferred and at which point of the writing process. From this, the researcher could redesign classroom instruction to ensure that timely feedback would be given at each stage of the writing process in a compressible and effective manner. Conclusions of the study will be presented along with suggestions of how effective peer review practices can be developed for the L2 classroom, especially for teachers with large numbers of students.
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