Title: Graduate Student Professional Development: Identifying Core Principles
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Tanya McCarthy, Kyoto University, Japan
Graduate students are “professionals” in the sense that they are required to learn and use both academic and transferable skills beyond the walls of the classroom. As such, graduate professional development (GPD) should be an integral part of every graduate program. However, many universities in Japan do not provide official services. There were two central aims in this study. The first was to investigate current programs and practices on campus that encouraged GPD; and the second was to gain a first-hand account of students’ perception of GPD, especially essential skills, knowledge, and experiences that they felt would be beneficial to perform effectively in graduate school and industry settings. Sixty students and three professors participated in this study. Surveys were administered and conducted in a one-to-one interview style to have participants clarify or expand on questions as well as to ask follow-up questions. Data analysis first identified gaps in current GPD institutional practices and opportunities students felt they required. Given the demand for specific skillsets in new employees, data was also analyzed to identify core skills necessary for academia and industry-related positions. Content analysis of transcribed interviews ascertained and ranked core academic, technological, and transferable ‘real-life’ skills and knowledge that need to be implemented in GPD training programs. The researcher concludes with specific recommendations of initiatives that can be started to improve GPD so that students can feel fully prepared for the experiences they will face during graduate studies and beyond.
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