Title: Linking TED Talks to Student Talks
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Gennady Medvedev, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
The presenter builds this seminar around the theme of using authentic videos in enhancing students’ language and presentation skills. Initially, the presentation introduces different types of communicative activities which can be embedded in language classes which feature TED talks on relevant academic topics. Then, the seminar will focus on a lesson for advanced learners of English based on a TED talk on languages and linguistics. The attendees will follow the lesson plan, discuss different scaffolding strategies to improve students' listening and speaking skills and reflect on their experience in their own educational contexts. This seminar also demonstrates different technological practices and ELT techniques. The presentation displays a feasible framework which enables ELT specialists to utilize educational technology, i.e. the knowledge and methods of designing practical classroom activities. Finally, the presenter will demonstrate different methodologies teachers may adopt in their pedagogical approach to teaching foreign languages.
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