Title: Empowering Students Through Neurolinguistic Coaching and Positive Psychology
Stream: Mind, Brain & Psychology: Human Emotional & Cognitive Development & Outcomes within Educational Contexts
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Amaranta Ramos Sanchez, Centro Regional De Educacion Normal Javier Rojo Gomez, Mexico
Patricia Ochoa, Escuela Normal De Estudios Superiores Del Magisterio Potosino, Mexico
Metacognition, neuroeducation, positive psychology, and growth mindset are four frameworks of reference that despite having different origins, converge on several key points. Consequently, in Paling’s Neurolinguistic Coaching, Cohen et al. SELF - questioning model, Bernard and Waltony´s Positive Education, and Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset model, the key element is in the introspective dialogue that the student establishes with himself. The objective of this reflection is reaching the optimum level of the student's learning abilities, both cognitive as well as metacognitive, in any situation, such as academic, social, or emotional. This is possible thanks to the brain’s adaptive neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, and the application of the growth mindset model, which entails cultivating positive emotions and social interactions as well as fostering resilience and tenacity, characteristics that lead to effective learning and justify combining and complementing each of the four models. All four models involve drilling and practice, training, effort, resilience, and above all consistency that an individual sets out to find and meet his objectives as essential elements to increase his attention, his memory, his critical thinking, his intelligence, and his ability to develop new learning and abilities. All the mentioned considerations lead us to the conclusion that, if we apply these concepts of neuroplasticity in our teaching of metacognition concepts and strategies through a growth mindset and a positive psychology, we can lead our students to a more organic, meaningful, permanent and integral learning.
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