Title: Using Songs in Speaking Classes
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Joel Weinberg, Meiji University, Japan
Using songs in Speaking classes is a useful way to add variation, enhance the mood, and change a classroom’s dynamics. Songs provide a good introduction to topics and can be used to advance students’ skills. The purpose of this study was to explore how singing songs in English helped students improve their enjoyment of their English class and their confidence in multiple abilities using English. This study first looks at some of the research into the benefits of using songs in ESL/EFL classes, then presents original findings of research conducted at two universities in Tokyo. The participants in this research were students majoring in Global Studies who intend to study outside of Japan in the future. The results show many perceived benefits including improved motivation, vocabulary, pronunciation, volume, cross-cultural understanding, fluency, energy, listening ability, reading speed, reduced shyness, and enjoyment.
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