6th Graders in the United Arab Emirates Using Ethnomathematics and Mobile Learning to Investigate Mathematics

Conference: The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022)
Title: 6th Graders in the United Arab Emirates Using Ethnomathematics and Mobile Learning to Investigate Mathematics
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Jason Johnson, Emirates College for Advanced Education, United Arab Emirates
Linda Smail, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Darryl Corey, Radford University, United States
Adeeb Jarrah, Emirates College for Advanced Education, United Arab Emirates


There are many western apps that help students strengthen their mathematics skills through learning and game apps. A research project was designed to create an IOS Math App to provide Grade 6 Emirati students with the opportunity to explore mathematics, then using Bayesian Networks to examine the educational implications. The learning app was developed using ethnomathematics modules based on the Emirati culture. Students were required to navigate through several modules to examine various mathematical concepts in algebra and geometry. The survey was written for Grade 6 English Language Learners. Based on the Bayesian Networks analysis, the findings suggested that if students are allowed to explore mathematics based on familiar cultural norms and practices, students with grades A and C would receive higher grades. However, if students are not allowed to explore mathematics in line with their local culture, more students would receive an F grade, while some students with Grade A, would earn lower grades. Additionally, the findings showed that incorporating cultural elements had a positive change in students’ liking and learning mathematics, even without a mobile device. Though, not allowing a mobile device and not allowing culture had an increased negative impact on students’ liking and learning mathematics. The last finding suggested that students valued ethnomathematics examples over a mobile device to learn mathematics. The research findings could help to improve sustainability in mathematics education by promoting ethnomathematics and mobile learning.

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