Title: English Language Policy and Its Implementation at Tertiary Level in Mongolia
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Munkhbayar Namsraijav, Mongolian National University of Education, Mongolia
In recent years English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been taught in many countries of Asia including Mongolia. The main purpose of this research is to explain the recent ESP teaching policy, ESP development, existing problems at tertiary level in Mongolia and to study implementation of policy documents about English language training which developed from the government of Mongolia from 1997 to 2025 and we tried to reveal its implementation for ESP standard and curriculum, teacher trained cadres, books and handbooks, technology of ESP training at 5 public universities in Mongolia these are Mongolian National University of Education, National University of Mongolia, Mongolian National University of Science and technology, Mongolian National University of Defense, Mongolian National University of Health Sciences and some ESP practitioners, 999 bachelor students, 147 master students have participated within this study.
For the research result there were 12 policy documents related to ESP in Mongolia and when we have done research on 13 ESP curriculum, 8 policy documents connected to ESP teaching policy. ESP teachers have complained that students don't have enough knowledge to own ESP in intermediate level and teachers don't have approved by the government ESP standard and curriculum. ESP teachers can't attend ESP specialized course as there is lack of foreseeing teaching policy. We have studied over 100 ESP books and textbooks for their contents, methodology, design and most of them were composed by ESP teachers and some of them were printed in foreign printing companies. 58 percent of students answered that they don't have enough credit hours for ESP learning and from here we can conclude that they have high interest of ESP learning and improve their knowledge on it for the future workplace and market demand. In general, all students study general English at all universities and transition from general English to ESP or EAP being made at universities in Mongolia, surprisingly no standards for ESP but all ESP education curricula and textbooks were revised over the period 2000-2022.
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