Title: Public Relations Within the Political Education: Literacy Factor
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Linas Kontrimas, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
In XXI century there are observed two key tendencies. Both are interconnected through the speed: i) fast technological changes and peoples’ abilities to adapt to it; ii) decline of participation in the political decision-making processes. Both tendencies illustrate changes in modern and democratic societies. Examples could be the national and local elections. In Lithuania approximately half of voters use their right to elect the Parliament and Government. Numbers in European Parliament elections are similar. Modern democracy is quite young comparing to stages of autocracies or totalitarian times. Why modern people voluntarily renounce the opportunities for which humanity has fought for so long? Among many causes is limitations in political education and ignorance of political literacy as an important factor. Political literacy and political education at school is not a matter of concern at schools in Lithuania. So a lot of factors influence citizens’ way of thinking and acting in their political decision-making. Public relations especially during election campaigns could be observed as one of these factors. Research aimed to describe the role of public relations in political education and political literacy. Integrated analysis was applied the literature review. The study identified international experiences in implementing political education and political literacy, developed a hypothetical model of the educational process that can be implemented in schools based on international experiences, and provided criteria for assessing levels of political literacy (high, medium, and low).
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