Title: Career Development Competencies in Kuwait: Social Workers’ Case Study
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Vikinta Rosinaite, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
This study analyzed social workers’ career development competencies data collected in Kuwait. A changed working environment raised new requirements for employees. In today’s society, they are fully responsible for their career development and have to be able to manage it. Career development involves values expression, decision-making style, the person’s creation of a career pattern, self-concepts, and integration of life roles that reflect their life roles. Therefore, a changed working environment highlights career development as one of the most important competencies of employee.
Social workers’ careers have been investigated in many different aspects: job satisfaction (Marrriott, Sexton,& Staley, 1993), occupational stress (Bradley& Sutherland, 1995; Jone, Fletcher, &Ibbetson, 1991; Lansbergis, 2006; Moriarty & Murray, 2007), career and well-being (Graham, Shier, 2009). However, career development and its competencies have not been researched yet. The aim of this research was to assess the level of social workers’ career development competencies in Kuwait. For this purpose, quantitative survey was conducted with 242 social workers.
As the results analysis has shown, all career competencies were evaluated very positively, which means that all survey participants have very well-developed competencies related to the self-knowledge, lifelong learning, career planning, decision making, or other to career development related aspects. Or social desirability effects may have biased respondents’ answers. In short, all respondents represented themselves either as if they are masters of their career development or how they want to be seen as professionals from the point of view of society.
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