The Effects of Lockdown on Undergraduate Training and the Well-being of Pre-service Teachers

Conference: The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022)
Title: The Effects of Lockdown on Undergraduate Training and the Well-being of Pre-service Teachers
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Eva Ballová Mikušková, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia


The aim of the study was to examine the effect of the first lockdown on undergraduate training and the well-being of pre-service teachers. The changes in learning and leisure time were observed in the relation to subjective satisfaction with education and experienced emotions. A total of 30 pre-service teachers (80% women; aged 17 – 30, M = 22.00, SD = 2.30) participated in the study during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. All participants filled out questions on the number of hours per day they spent on preparation and leisure time, before and during the pandemic period, subjective satisfaction with the education, feelings of anxiety and lack of control concerning the coronavirus pandemic, perceived risk of coronavirus, and the Positive and negative affect schedule. Subjective satisfaction with education during the pandemic was average (M = 3.19, SD = 1.01); in comparison to the pre-pandemic period, pre-service teachers spent 0.32 more hours in their free time, but they also spent .67 more hours preparing for school duties. Moreover, experience of positive emotions decreased (t = 10.63, p < .001, d = 0.61) and experience of negative emotions increased (t = 10.88, p < .001, d = 0.40) during first wave of pandemic. Regarding well-being, the threat of coronavirus, feeling of powerlessness and perceived risk of coronavirus related to negative emotionality, and perceived risk of coronavirus was associated with hours spent by studying.

Virtual Poster Presentation

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