Development of the Communicative Competence Through the Implementation of Virtual Reality in Higher Education

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Development of the Communicative Competence Through the Implementation of Virtual Reality in Higher Education
Stream: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Julián Nevárez Montes, Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico
Carolina Tapia Cortés, Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico


The metaverse is a three-dimensional environment where real-world people are being replaced by characters denominated as avatars (Sin-nosuke Suzuki et al, 2020). With the inclusion of such technologies, innovative ways to enhance learning come to the stage. Therefore, could higher education students (HES) benefit from such environments to develop communicative competency? The purpose of this research is to identify the development opportunities in terms of learning that virtual environments provide to HES. This study measured the levels of communicative competence through a pre-test and a post-test. HES at Universidad de Monterrey in México joined a simulation program where they used Oculus Quest 2 devices to present a speech they had prepared for one of their college subjects. Visual contact, tone, words per minute, filler words, and the Flesch-Kinkaid formula were assessed to determine the significance of their communicative competence. The experiment results brought strong evidence to determine that the communicative competence was strengthened and revealed additional insights on how students build up confidence.

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