Title: A Conjoint Study and Segmentation on the Preferred Online Learning Attributes of Senior High School Learners Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Junar Cano, Notre Dame of Marbel University, Philippines
The educational systems were disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in the sudden shift in the instructional implementation from face-to-face to fully online distance learning. This study examined the socio-demographic characteristics and access to technological resources, and explored senior high school learners' preferred online learning attributes and their segmentation. The study employed a descriptive and exploratory research design. Using Cochran's formula, the study determined 300 respondents who were identified through a random sampling technique. The statistical treatments utilized were frequency count, percentage, conjoint, and cluster analysis. The data were gathered through an online-administered survey instrument. Results revealed that multiple-choice and multiple-type exams, synchronous delivery type with slides, individual tasks, and learning materials with visual aids were the most valued online learning attributes by the learners. Further analysis revealed that learners could be classified into two groups based on their preferences. This study provides insights for academic institutions in redesigning their online learning systems.
Virtual Presentation
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