Title: Enhancing Student Learning Experiences Through Recorded Presentation Using the “Gongyeh” System
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Man Chong Carrie Wong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Oral presentation is one of the core competencies of the higher educated professional training. Given the importance of oral presentation, both students and teachers, however, face challenges and difficulties in optimizing the benefits of it. From students’ perspective, they only received instructors’ feedbacks and comments, but limited feedbacks from the audiences (their classmates). Besides, students’ engagement in classmates’ presentations is problematic. It was observed that some students were reluctant to criticize fellow classmates’ presentation work and failed to provide reflective and immediate peer feedback. From teachers’ perspective, students may make repetitive mistakes and adversely affected the teaching efficiency. The above situations were considered to get worse during the covid-19 pandemic period, as the class engagements were generally weakened due to the online learning environment. It therefore brings an urgent need to keep students engaged in online learning with innovative pedagogy. This current study aims at investigating the undergraduate students’ learning experiences and their perceptions towards the online collaborative platform “Gongyeh”, which was developed by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2018 as a web platform for share video presentation and allow teachers and their classmates to rate and comment on it. Questionnaire survey was employed to collect the empirical data and followed by statistical analysis. Five hypotheses were statistically tested. The present findings supported that the online and collaborative recorded presentation platform have significant positive influence on student’s learning enjoyment, learning reflection, peer interaction, learning motivation and student engagement on the subject respectively.
Virtual Presentation
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