Title: An Empowered Alternative: Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students Who Are Deaf in a Higher Education Institution
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Jeffrey Zulueta, Unida Christian Colleges, Philippines
People with Disabilities (PWD) believe that looking for jobs are unnecessary because of the low self-esteem and a negative mindset that there are no available jobs that will match their potentials and capabilities. Aside from the barriers of employment, self-worth becomes a hindrance as well. One way to address this problem is to introduce an alternative to employment, which is entrepreneurship. The study believes that entrepreneurship will give opportunities to the people with disabilities to create their own business to avoid the competition of the labor force. Given the limitations, the research focused first on a small cohort of students who are Deaf enrolled in Miriam College’s Associate in Digital Technologies course. The research design is exploratory in nature using a modified entrepreneurial intention questionnaire (Linan & Rodriguez 2004). Using a five-point Likert scale, the questionnaire was divided into 5 motivational factors, and 2 major sub concepts of Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial intention. The study showed that attitudes, school structures and peers helped in making entrepreneurship a positive alternative to them. The study also revealed that the culture of entrepreneurship as well as the notion of trying out new things helped the respondents think about and choose entrepreneurship. The study concludes with the creation of a more focused Entrepreneurial Education (EE) using the SPARK, SHAPE, SUCCEED (3S) framework.
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