Title: Revealing Teachers’ and Students’ Perception of the Use of Flipgrid for Speaking Assessment
Stream: Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Refi Sativa, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Didi Sukyadi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Pupung Purnawarman, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
The use of integrated technology in teaching and learning has become a global issue in response to the 21st skills. There has been a force to advance digital education with the current pandemic. Technology and the internet have become the leading platforms for learning and assessment. This explanatory sequential mixed-methods design aims to explore teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the use of Flipgrid in assessing speaking skills. Online surveys using questionnaires were given to teachers (n=24) and students (n=113) who had the experience of using Flipgrid in their classes. Semi-structured interviews followed with the selected participants to deepen their perception of Flipgrid. The result revealed some perspectives on speaking assessment activities using this video discussion platform. The study recommends that teachers, students, and other stakeholders apply Flipgrid asynchronously in the context of English Language Teaching (ELT).
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