Title: A Proposed Framework for Sustainable and Impactful Higher Education Institutions
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Sheila Mae Carungay, Adamson University, Philippines
Lourdes Lasian, Adamson University, Philippines
Dylan Josh Lopez, Adamson University, Philippines
Rosheilla May Malit, Adamson University, Philippines
High-quality education is necessary to create a more sustainable world. Higher Education Institutions (HEI) significantly influence future global leaders. Sustainable development has become even more important as the environmental impact on individuals and organizations has become a growing issue. A sustainability framework is a road map that outlines the paths of transformation appropriate for the given context and expresses the strategic direction of an institution. The research aims to: (1) define sustainability by reflecting the institution's and its stakeholders' cultures and values ; (2) suggest possible programs universities can implement to ensure its sustainability; and (3) establish indicators for assessing the performance of an HEI focusing on sustainable development. A mixed methodology study following a sequential explanatory design strategy was conducted. The researchers first devised a survey to collect and analyze quantitative data. Qualitative data were then gathered and assessed through a focus group discussion, further clarifying the quantitative results. The research results show that an HEI significantly influences the management, engagement, and development of strategies for sustainable development issues. Data treatment and analyses show that by aligning current university efforts and identifying strategic interventions, the HEI goals may further advance by understanding how change occurs and being a catalyst for sustainability.
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