Teachers’ Awareness on Supporting Students with Traumatic Experiences in School Settings: A Literature Review

Conference: The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022)
Title: Teachers’ Awareness on Supporting Students with Traumatic Experiences in School Settings: A Literature Review
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Hadeel Saleh, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Maria Efstratopoulou, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates


Trauma-informed teaching and caring is becoming popular and practiced among schools, after the positive impact the practices had in the medical field and judicial system (McInerney & McKlindon, 2014). Trauma is everywhere and impacts school students differently. This present study is a literature review that explored childhood trauma and its impact on students in school settings. The study focused on analyzing previous research exploring the main aspects of trauma-informed teaching and gave an insight of teachers' awareness of students affected by trauma and how trauma-informed care can better support school students. Therefore, research has shown that without teachers’ sufficient knowledge on how trauma can impact a student’s learning and without the correct implementation of trauma-informed teaching and care, students may suffer tremendously without support. Moreover, analysis of the studies highlighted the importance of teacher and student relationship to support students with traumatic experiences. This study offered recommendations for teachers on accentuating the importance of recognizing the warning signs and responding effectively to students affected by trauma.

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