Title: Google Docs in EAP Courses: Investigating and Promoting Collaborative Writing Experience
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Tungalagtuya Myagmarjav, University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia
Gerelchimeg Ariya, University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia
Currently, technologies are widely used in education as they are essential for assisting language teaching and learning. Several technologies can be integrated into language learning and teaching to improve students’ writing skills. Google Docs is a tool that allows students to work collaboratively and develop their skills. Various studies have identified students’ perceptions and views of using Google Docs in their writing, its effectiveness in collaborative writing, and how it can be used to encourage student participation. This study investigates the effectiveness of using Google Docs in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing class and identifies possible challenges in promoting students’ writing skills in their collaborative writing. In this qualitative study, the 62 University of Finance and Economics students participated in a survey after using Google docs in their writing classes. The findings showed that students felt comfortable using Google Docs due to its accessibility, availability, and advantages. It helped them improve their writing skills by interacting with others and learning from each other. However, students commented that possible challenges such as equal participation, the uncertainty of roles, and clarity of instruction should be considered further to be more productive and practical. Based on the results, we made several suggestions and recommendations to minimize the challenges and make students more comfortable when producing collaborative writing.
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