Title: The Effects of Teacher’s Salary on Learning Outcome
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Nur Atika, Indonesian International Islamic University, Indonesia
The correlation between teachers’ salaries and student achievements is often debated. Many factors might impact students’ learning outcomes, but this paper only focuses on analyzing learning outcomes related to teachers’ performance, which also relates to teachers’ salaries. Data in this study is collected and analyzed by using a quantitative approach. Secondary data of PISA study results and teacher salaries in 2018 in selected thirty countries is obtained from OECD and GTSI. The investigation of this research, which entails looking into the many different nations that were picked for investigation, gives us an understanding of the connections between those nations. This research aimed to examine the teacher’s salary effects on learning outcomes. Statistical tools such as simple percentage, mean, and linear regression were employed to reach the research outcome. Using data analysis results, we found that 86.7 percent of countries share a parallel correlation between the teacher’s salary and learning outcomes. In comparison, the remaining 13.3 percent is explained by other explanations outside the variable used in this study. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation (Pearson correlation result = 0.637 between teacher salary and learning students’ learning outcomes. The prediction of learning outcomes showed by the linear regression equation of learning outcome= - 65830.681 + 204 * teachers’ salary. The findings suggest that the teacher salary may be further improved to enhance their students’ learning outcomes.
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