Title: The Impact of Online Learning on High School Student Experience
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Timothy Gibson, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
This paper is the result of field research undertaken at a bilingual school in Shanghai, China during the most current COVID-19 lockdown the city experienced in April 2022. A sample of Chinese bilingual high school students were given questionnaires and asked to share their learning experiences when their school reverted to online learning. The students were asked to comment on their overall learning experience but certain questions specifically pertain to their English Language lessons. An overall analysis of the context and background of the study is presented as well as a thorough literary review and explanation of the theoretical framework in which the data was collected and analyzed. The paper's guiding hypothesis is then presented and is one which links student experience satisfaction to performance. The main research objectives set out for this study were mainly to determine what effect online learning has on student performance as well as understanding how teacher effectiveness is viewed by students through this learning medium. Student concentration and writing output and quality levels also formed an important part of the research questions. The paper includes a discussion and analysis of student responses as well as commentary on the connections linking this paper to similar studies but, furthermore, also includes a reflection on behalf of the teacher/researcher concerning professional practice. Finally, limitations and conclusions regarding the study as well suggestions for the future are given in the paper's final segment.
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