Title: Fostering a Super Reader: A Case Study on Effects of Cooperation
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Ni Yin, BASIS International School Guangzhou, China
This case study explores a three-fold socialization process and its effect on a language learner’s learning progress. Supportive cooperation between the homeroom teacher, classroom peers, and the case study student’s parents was closely observed and analyzed. The theoretical framework of language socialization used in this study is analogous to a planet and three satellites: the role of the student (planet) in relation to the teacher, parents, and classmates (satellites). Each “satellite” has its own impact on the “planet” while synchronously they provide a different yet greater function through cooperative means aimed to better support the “planet”. The healthy family-school relationship is beneficial to enhance the quality of the learner’s education so that the learner can achieve higher learning outcomes and become well-equipped. All data is based on formal and informal observations and collected interactions from stakeholders and relevant artifacts. The study analyzed factors correlating the collaboration of each stakeholder aimed to promote the fostering of an English language learner’s learning process, drawing on potentially optimal results; in this case, fostering an avid, super reader. This study proved that the stakeholders’ joint effort is associated with learners’ improved academic performance and decreased behavior problems. Implications focusing on encouraging the three-fold socialization process to continually support the growth of the language learner through collaborative efforts and appropriately tiered challenges are discussed.
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