Title: Adapt Research-Supported Standards to Ensure Quality at Course and Program Levels to Support Institutional Goals and Accreditation
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Yaping Gao, Quality Matters, United States
The COVID pandemic has taught us all that if any institution desires to be resilient and support an increasingly diverse body of students, online education and digital transformation is no longer an option. What research-supported standards and best practices have been proven by the global education community to be practical, useful, and effective to be implemented at course and program levels to ensure quality teaching and learning and support institutional goals?
This presentation will invite participants and viewers to examine and reflect on 1) key elements of a research-supported quality assurance system adopted by over 1500 institutions in more than 30 countries globally, 2) data showing positive impact on student engagement and success in courses designed to meet quality standards, 3) how a 4-part quality review criteria and certification for online programs can be pursued and achieved incrementally, which serves as benchmark to fulfill an institution’s commitment to its Quality Improvement Plan, and 4) how quality assurance practices at course and program levels support faculty development and student success, and advance institutional mission, goals and accreditation.
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