Title: Paradigm Shift to a Higher-quality Teacher Education Program: A Framework for Reforms (A Preliminary Study)
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Remedios Azarcon, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Cecilia Gascon, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Ruben Borja II, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Edgardo Santos, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Joseline Santos, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Bulacan State University (BulSU) as a premiere state university in the region offering a teacher education program caters to an average of three thousand students from first year to fourth year. The realization of the mission of the University, which is to produce highly competent, ethical, and service-oriented professionals is the top priority of the college. The BulSU College of Education is the major provider of teacher education graduates in Bulacan and nearby provinces, thus the need to be at par excellence and so the need for a review of its offerings. The main objective of the study is to make a systematic analysis of previous studies on teacher education reforms, professional preparations of BulSU teachers, SHS performance of entrants and graduate teachers’ performance in the Licensure Examination towards a paradigm shift in Teacher Education. The study utilized a qualitative method of research specifically, systematic review of literature and content analysis techniques. The result of the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT) of the graduates shows that there is still much to be done. While, the result of the systematic literature review and content analysis showed the need for the development of an institutional culture for teacher education program – norms, practices, and standards with respect to various teacher education subjects, assessment of activities, as well as continuous monitoring and supervision of all activities and, it has been recommended to conduct necessary measures, if necessary, against the practices found violating the prescribed norms and standards.
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