Title: Taiwan Senior High School Students’ Motivation to Learn in CLIL Instruction
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Hui-Ju Wu, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
Lung-an Shen, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
Pai-Lu Wu, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
The purposes of the research are to (1) understand the current situation of Taiwan senior high school students’ motivation to learn in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) instruction, and to (2) analyze the differences of the motivation to learn perceived by the students with different backgrounds. A total of 495 students participated in the study through completing the questionnaire in which the items were designed based on ARCS theory and the 4Cs framework of CLIL. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale is .89, indicating satisfactory internal consistency and reliability of the instrument.
Two major results were obtained. First, regarding students’ motivation to learn in CLIL instruction, the result showed that the dimension of "satisfaction" (S) was the highest, the dimension of "relevance" (R) was the second, and the dimensions of "attention" (A) and "confidence" (C) were the lowest. Second, the analysis of the students with different backgrounds showed that (1) female students had higher motivation to learn than male students at each and overall dimension; (2) students in public schools had higher motivation to learn than those in private schools in overall dimension, especially in the dimension of "attention"; (3) students studying in normal senior high schools had higher motivation to learn in the dimensions of "relevance" and "satisfaction" than those studying in six-year high schools. Based on the results, teachers are suggested to pay attention to students' "attention" and build their "confidence" in CLIL classes. Particularly, teachers in private schools should focus more on strengthening students' "attention".
Virtual Poster Presentation
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