Title: A 3D-Printed Chinese Character Learning Art Educational Tool for the Blind and Visually-Impaired
Stream: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Xiaotong Zhang, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, China
Jingwen Tian, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, China
Tanhao Gao, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, China
Hongtao Zhou, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, China
As one of the world's five most widely spoken languages, Chinese is also the most widely spoken language globally. The Chinese language consists of a writing system and a pronunciation system, with Chinese characters being the most critical language component. As Braille is a two-dimensional static image, it is difficult for the visually impaired, especially the non-sensitive blind, to learn by touch, presenting an unimaginable barrier in the teaching curriculum and posing a challenge to the Chinese language curriculum taught by teachers. In order to improve this dilemma, designing an educational tool suitable for visually impaired people to learn Chinese characters can solve the difficulties in the actual teaching of Chinese in Chinese special education schools in China, improve the barriers to learning Chinese for visually impaired people, and assist in moving the teaching curriculum towards a relaxed, happy and welcoming environment. The production of a Chinese character interface combined with 3D printing technology enables a literacy interface that is simple to design, quick to shape, durable, has a wide choice of printing materials and is more inclusive. 3D printing technology makes it easier to move from two-dimensional static images to three-dimensional images, making it easier to learn to read Chinese characters and experience the joy of touching Chinese characters for reading. This study hopes to popularise art education for the visually impaired in China, it provides a replicable design education research model for the education of people with disabilities in China and globally.
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