Title: Investigating Mathematical Creativity Among Junior Highschool Students
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New, Innovative & Radical Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Alexis Michael Oledan, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology and De La Salle University, Philippines
Auxencia Limjap, De La Salle University, Philippines
There is no single, agreed-upon definition of mathematical creativity in literature. Despite the fact that this is true, the majority of studies believe that in order for students to fully comprehend the subject matter and to appreciate the methods and ideas that underlie mathematics, mathematical creativity must be enhanced. In order to increase creativity, this study investigated the value of open-ended mathematics tasks. This one-case study looked into the four components of creativity that Rhode identified: person, process, press, and product. The use of portfolios, video recordings, one-on-one interviews, and session logs allowed the researcher to gather information from a number of sources.
The results of this study highlight three key characteristics of creative students: (1) students' mental ability and divergent thinking skills, (2) open-mindedness, and (3) resourcefulness. The students' creative processes, which included problem-solving, idea generation, and action planning, were closely related to Treffinger's creative process model. Students learned new things and assisted others who were having arithmetic problems in a cooperative environment. The Guilford criteria for creativity, which include fluency, flexibility, and originality, were also investigated with regard to students’ outputs. The structure of the open-ended mathematics tasks would determine the fluency component of creativity. A task that could result in pattern recognition could have a constraint on the flexibility component. On the other hand, restricting the amount of responses could provide students with aa chance to think flexibly and originally.
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