Title: Developing ICT Competency Training for Teachers of Marginalized Community Schools and Public Sector Schools of Himalayan Region
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Sagun Dhungana, Digital & Beyond, Nepal
Silpi Dhungana Pant, Tafe Quensland, Australia
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a need for more in-depth research into various aspects of technology used by the teachers. Thus education and learning has seen a huge digital-shif. This paradigm shift in learning after the pandemic has led teachers towards the ultimate need of digitizing, delivering and monitoring the classroom content. Before the pandemic,skills needed towards ICT capabilities of a teacher were less of a priority, mostly in places where geographical and political influences overshadow the agenda. Both teachers’ digital competence and their competence beliefs related to information and communications technology (ICT) are important for the successful integration of digital technology in teaching and learning settings (Hobbs & Rene ,2017).
In my proposed presentation, the discussion will be focused on different stages of training based on the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge 'Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)' framework as proposed by Mishra, P.,& Koehler, M. J. (2006), which was implemented in the projects for rural Nepal. The scope of the projects accomplished involving teachers in the refugee camp and high altitude public schools of rural Nepal will be discussed. Further discussion involves various methodology and approaches (e.g. learner centric) implemented in the project towards using the basic ICT tools during the training for the teachers. This approach also supported teachers to develop contents using ICT to identify the right strategy for technology integration toward engaging classroom learning. The overall project successfully concluded with 60 refugee school teachers and 37 public school teacher's participation achieving 100% expected deliverables.
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