Language Development and Creative Expression Through Nonsense Verse

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Language Development and Creative Expression Through Nonsense Verse
Stream: Language Development & Literacy
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Rocky Burton, Toyo University, Japan


The present article examines the development of language skills through unconventional expression as used in the nonsense verse of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll. It analyzes student reaction to and comprehension of these readings from an extratextual perspective prior to instructor-led readings and peer interpretation exercises. Student exercises to be presented include presumed definitions of nonsense vocabulary prior to reading as well as theorized meanings based on contextual information realized upon full review of the text. Samples of student writing are then examined where the original nonsense verse is replaced with familiar vocabulary of their choosing. The present study then determines where sense is restored to the stories being discussed, how students adjusted to the lack of meaning by inserting their own, and whether anything is lost in the retelling. Paratextual information pertaining to the readings are shared to explore the challenges of teacher-led discussions of the extant artistic and colloquial language and determine whether or to what degree presentation of this material is effective for language building. The study acknowledges the limitations of L2 studies without grounded, standardized vocabulary, but notes that language has a tendency to rapidly evolve and provides case studies of elevated colloquialisms, coined words/phrases, and non-standard expressions in common use. It concludes that the often untaught expressions, idioms, and dialect contained in this type of material provides holistic value to language learning via cultural context.

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