Exploring Implicit Exclusion in the Indian Schooling System

Conference: The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022)
Title: Exploring Implicit Exclusion in the Indian Schooling System
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Bhabesh San San Wal, University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Mainstream Schooling systems in India are examination and result driven. Deadlines are given to not just students but teacher to finish syllabus. Thus a culture of supervision is integrated in the schooling system to create docile students. This system promotes and values specific abilities behaviours and cultural from the students such as good handwriting, being silent, orderliness, efficient in following instruction are rewarded. This “cultural capital” acquired form their home habitat allow some students to become the dominant group. On the other hand students coming from backgrounds where they are not able to acquire these skills are at an immediate disadvantage. Students background, behaviour, mental capacity are held responsible by the system for their lack of ability to cop up in a schooling system. The cascading of these institutional believes takes place through various principles of communication and semiotic mediations created by the same institution. This research will explore these principles in the Indian schooling system and how they are used by teachers and administration towards student. Further, the thesis will analyse how the different cultural artefacts (verbal or physical), symbols, values used for mediation and communication that generate an effect of implicit exclusion. The research will be an elaborate and detailed ethnographic case study documentation of one to two schools in the national capital region (NCR) of India.

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