Title: Hyperspace of Interaction: Creative Storytelling in Art and Design
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New, Innovative & Radical Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Wenchang Lin, Fujian Jiangxia University, China & University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom
In the practices of art and design, the creativity is the most vital ingredient as its appearance is unpredictable just like quantum leaps. Referring to the hyperspace theory, the 11 dimensions of space-time might show similar patterns with information exchanges. Therefore, I compare the “quantum entanglement” to the information loop of interaction. The relationships between arts and audience, people and environments, physical feelings and mental cognition are key purposes when designing and producing arts. By designing interaction, it is intended to help analyze storytelling and offer interactive information for further oriented design.
Since the storytelling behind arts and design is the meanings of the work and why it matters, I am trying to propose a model of 11 dimensions (11D) of interaction and use “Interaction Hyperspace” as my early working definition. The 11D are Location, Action, State, Time, Interaction, Entangled Results, Time of Interaction, Possibilities, Intensity, Result to the outside and Memory.
Hypothetically, by reconstructing the 11D of interaction, new story combinations might provide various possibilities on creative solutions. The research is trying to be engaged on practical applications, including academic teachings, industrial designs and trans-disciplinary communications. As the method itself to be a creative stimulation, it might show people even those from not-classical-creative area with a brand new idea of an out-of-the-box thinking. Through redesigning the design thinking, this research is ultimately exploring the humanistic phenomena and psychological perspectives towards arts and design tranings.
Virtual Presentation
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