Title: Choices Student-Athlete Made in Education & Future Career Aspiration: A Qualitative Study in Indonesia
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Shahnaz Safitri, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Brendha Christie Tanujaya, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Fadhi Qahharsyah Putra, Apshara Talent Development Center, Indonesia
Indonesia has a special education policy concerning gifted students in sport in which they are entitled for a special coaching for talent development. However, it applies only to youngsters with little attention on higher education students. As a result, these students face challenges which will be the main focus of this study. We aim to explore the factors facilitating or hindering these university student-athletes in making education and future career decisions. Interviews with 6 participants, an international award winning martial arts aged 20-24 years old, that are also academically successful, provided in-depth descriptions of participants’ personal experiences through their life story and reflection. When making career choices, these student-athletes valued intrinsic motivation, opportunity for self development and expanding social networks, and also the support received from their close relatives in which all these factors support their talent in sport. However, this study portrays the challenges faced as sports itself is often socially discounted not suitable as the primary option for a future career. The lack of suitable education to pursue sport as a professional field of career, lack of opportunity for the field itself for a life-long career path, and the presence of other options for career choice were often mentioned as the hindering factors. Nevertheless, because of their unwillingness to give up the sport, these student-athletes adapted and transformed their choices. As education is for career preparation, these student-athletes experienced unalignment which draws the issues in Indonesia's sport talent development for gifted that needs to be resolved.
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