Title: Do Your Students Enjoy Reading Comic Books? Do You Enjoy Teaching Your Students Scientific Work? See How to Combine Both!
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Martin Baumann, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Ioana Slabu, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Anjali Röth, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Andreas Ritter, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Stefanie Schäfer, Institut für berufliche Bildung (IBB), Buxtehude, Germany
It is becoming increasingly important, both in studies and for professional life, to work efficiently, purposefully and in a group-oriented manner on scientific subjects with evidence-based methods. This includes, among other things, the formulation of research questions and hypotheses, literature research, experiments, and appropriate communication. In this project, short scenes taken from comic books serve as a useful and motivating resource to introduce students to the whole process of interdisciplinary scientific work.
At semester beginning, interdisciplinary student teams of about four choose a comic scene showing pictures with a scientific content, e.g. Asterix® punching a roman soldier out of his sandals. By taking body masses, velocities and accelerations from the given pictures, students of engineering can calculate necessary forces and give estimations on how realistic the scene really is. Medical students would work on the effects of the punch on the roman’s skeletal system and a prognosis for his intestines.
On order to work with scientific methods on their chosen subjects, students are guided step-by-step during the semester by instructing them on how to do research in literature databases, how to write scientific texts, how to discuss in interdisciplinary teams, how to prepare presentations, how to present their results, how to cope with adverse comments, and still others.
With this “Asterix®-Seminar” we taught (online and in presence) a lot of interdisciplinary student groups during the last semesters on the process of scientific work. This format is highly motivating, interactive and last but not least fun for students and teachers.
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