Title: An Exploration of Technical Communication as an EFL Learning Motivational Intervention for Engineering Majors
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Michael Johnson, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan
This study set out to examine the implications of using technical communication instructional materials as a motivational intervention for freshman Japanese engineering students learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). As this particular segment of learners has been identified as being hesitant toward EFL instruction, a suite of technical communication materials was presented and examined as a possible means for promoting engagement in the EFL classroom with these learners. The study examined a sample of 76 (n=76) learners’ impressions and attitudes towards a three-week unit of technical communication instructional materials. These attitudes and impressions were measured through a mixed-method questionnaire comprised of items and scales from Keller’s (2010) Instructional Materials Motivational Survey (IMMS) and additional open-ended items. Results indicated a positive endorsement of attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction variables associated with the materials. Open-ended items revealed a general overall enjoyment derived from the communicative tasks, and an interest with technical communication and technical content presented within the materials.
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