Changing Landscape of the Media and Entertainment Sector in the Rapid Age of Emerging Digital Technologies

Conference: The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2022)
Title: Changing Landscape of the Media and Entertainment Sector in the Rapid Age of Emerging Digital Technologies
Stream: Social Media and Communication Technology
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Rajeev Ghode, Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, India


Digital communication and media technologies are reshaping the Media and Entertainment industry with new opportunities emerging in the field of Animation, Gaming, Visual Effects, AR VR, and Content production for television, films, and OTT. The recent trends in media and digital technologies are continuing to turn to digital advances for entertainment, news, and business, which translates to major opportunities for media businesses.
The rise of 3600 video, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the more refined use of data analytics will all influence the future of digital media and the entertainment industry.
The aim of this paper is to critically analyze how digital immersive technologies will shape the media industry in near future. The researcher has used the qualitative research approach and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a data collection tool. The researcher conducted three-panel discussions on the topic – 1. Opportunities in Animation, VFX, Gaming & Comic 2. OTT, TV & Film Production, and 3. AR VR – Immersive Media & New Age Skills. Each panel consisted of 6 media professionals who are having relevant experience in their respective fields had shared their views and opinions based on their experience and organizational long-term goals.
It’s clear that digital innovations and technologies are reshaping the media and entertainment industry in all creative fields of story-telling using VFX, Animation, in AR and VR environments. Content production in diverse business domains including health, tourism, industries, manufacturing, and education is in high demand along with infotainment and immersive technologies.

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