Recruitment Strategies and Migration Regulations of International Students in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Study

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Recruitment Strategies and Migration Regulations of International Students in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Study
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Aynur Charkasova, University of Arkansas, United States


The United States of American and Canada have always competed for foreign talent, and two competitors do not utilize similar recruitment and retention strategy when it comes to international students. In Canada, recent policy changes in recruitment and retention of international students made international education a vital component of the government’s economic strategy. Thanks to its immigrant-friendly policies, Canada received the largest number of international students between 2015 and 2017 increasing its international student enrollment by 16%. Referred to as ideal immigrants, international students are believed to integrate more easily into the Canadian labor market thanks to the better language proficiency, relevant Canadian work experience, and educational credentials.
The United States of America embraced a different recruitment and retention strategy of international students compared to its northern counterpart. Despite the increase in the overall number of international students, a 6.6 % decrease was detected in new student enrollment in 2017/2018. A recent trend confirms that students throughout the world no longer perceive the United States of America as a desired destination to study. Difficulties in obtaining a student visa, constantly increasing fees, a travel ban, long processing time, and limited work permit opportunities have created additional burdens on international students.
This study will utilize the legal information available by the government websites of both countries, peer-reviewed scholarly articles and will highlight which approach promises a better path in recruiting and retention of international students. The findings from the study will be discussed and recommendations will be provided.

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