Title: A Structural Equation Model of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), School Culture and ICT Literacy on the Technostress of Science
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Mae Galorport, Bukidnon State University, Philippines
Estela Itaas, Bukidnon State University, Philippines
Teachers' Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy skills in employing teaching-learning modalities opened new avenues for making the teaching and learning process more dynamic and engaging. This study developed a model of TPACK, School Culture, and ICT Literacy Skills on Technostress of Science Teachers in secondary schools of Bukidnon Divisions in the School Year 2021-2022. The study examined teachers' best predictors of technostress, resulting in the development of a structural equation model (SEM). Descriptive, correlational, and causal-comparative designs were utilized, employing adapted survey questionnaires as instruments to obtain information from the 320 participants. Mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Multiple Regression, and SEM were the statistical tools used. The results show that the level of science teachers’ technostress, TPACK, and school culture was high and moderate in ICT literacy skills. Moreover, there was a positive and significant relationship between the science teachers’ TPACK, school culture, and ICT skills with their technostress. The ICT skills and school culture were predictors of science teachers’ technostress. Finally, the best fit model of science teachers’ technostress is best predicted by ICT skills and TPACK. Hence, the model suggests the following: ICT Skills and TPACK influence teachers’ technostress; the collaborative influence of teachers on ICT Literacy Skills and TPACK leads to less technostress; teachers’ high level in TPACK with their basic level in ICT are influential factors in their technostress, and less technostress when there is basic ICT Skills and high TPACK levels with regards to doing the new modality of teaching and learning.
Virtual Presentation
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