Reality Television as a Reflection of Cultural Values: A Comparison of The Great British Bake Off and Bake Off Japan

Conference: The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2022)
Title: Reality Television as a Reflection of Cultural Values: A Comparison of The Great British Bake Off and Bake Off Japan
Stream: Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Jennifer McGee, Aichi Shukutoku University, Japan
Kanon Nomura, Aichi Shukutoku University, Japan


The Great British Bake Off has been running for a dozen years now, with little sign of declining popularity. Despite it being a competition where bakers are eliminated one by one from the show, the gentle tone and cozy atmosphere of this reality program made it a hit and that popularity has led to the creation of spin-offs in more than thirty different countries, including Argentina, Thailand, Israel and Kenya. These spin-offs use the same format as the original British series--the music, the tent, the various challenges—but add a local twist to the concept. Because the basic form is nearly identical, cultural reactions to the themes of competition, cooperation, and creativity can easily shine through in the different versions of the show. By comparing different takes on the concept, it can illuminate how a culture approaches these themes. This paper is a content analysis comparing the 2021 season of The Great British Bake Off with one of the newest regional spin-offs, Bake Off Japan. Specifically, this paper will be examining moments of communal action—when bakers work together or help other competitors—as well as the relative emphasis or de-emphasis of individual expression in bakes. By looking at how competitors approach the communal versus the individualistic aspects of baking, we can gain a better appreciation for resilience of cultural values as they adapt to fit a fairly strict media structure.

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